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Book of Exodus

I have started reading the Bible from the 1st book to the last. It is part of my commitment to know more of God through His Word. Now, I am on Numbers.

It is quite a challenge as I've never really read the Bible in a chronological way before. To be really honest, I avoided some books because of some misconceptions (technical, too many rituals, different context, difficult to understand, etc). But I am thankful that God has given me the conviction and discipline to take on this commitment. It has given me fresh insights as I learn more about Him.

As promised, I will share the key lessons I've picked up from each book and so, I am going to share 7 things I've learned from the Book of Exodus.

1) Worship is essential in our lives.

Whenever God commanded Pharaoh to release the Israelites, he almost always (if not, always) add, "so they can worship Me".

This is quite paradoxical, right? Why are they being freed so that they can worship? If they are free, shouldn't they decide for their own selves and just be their own sovereign? Isn't it like freeing a slave so that it can be slave to another master?

BUT WAIT! This line of thinking leads to rebellion. Yes, it is the same rebellion that Adam and Eve committed and thus, they are sent out of Eden. When they did not follow God's command, they unknowingly chose death, darkness and suffering. They rejected the only source of all goodness, joy and peace.

We also have to accept that we are created by God. As creatures, our creator has authority and power over our lives. Thus, we need to humble down before Him and acknowledge that apart from Him, we are nothing. Aside from His goodness, we worship and praise Him for who He is.

2) We must follow God's command.

When God called Moses and brought him to His holy presence, Moses was very reluctant to follow God. He didn't see himself fit to go to the Pharaoh and command him on God's behalf to release the Hebrews.

God was patient and assured Moses that He will be with him. But still Moses was super hesitant and asked God to send another person. And so, "God's anger burnt against Moses". Yet despite this burst of anger, God listened to Him and called Aaron to assist Him in speaking to Pharaoh.

Why was God angry with Moses? God knew Moses more than Moses knew himself. By being reluctant to God's commands, He was disrespecting God's will and wisdom as he implied that God was wrong in choosing him.

In our human standards, Moses may not be the most qualified to speak to Pharaoh. As the famous quote says: God doesn't call the qualified. He qualifies the called. That is how amazing and powerful He is!

3) Our choices affect our children.

We must be very careful with our free will. It is very powerful. It affects not only us and the people around us but also the future generations, who are innocent of their forefathers' choices.

Exodus 20: 5-6

"You shall not bow down before to them (idols, other gods) or worship them; for I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sins of their fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments."

This is a warning to us to fear and revere the LORD as He is almighty and powerful. His wrath and anger should not be underestimated. Yet despite this, He is compassionate and forgiving as He only punishes up to 3rd or 4th generation compared to blessing of a thousand generations. This is skewed to our favor. This just tells us of God's mighty love.

4) Our God is compassionate, gracious, patient, faithful, forgiving, just and righteous.

Ah, this is one of my favorite verses in the whole of Bible! This verse has been quoted in other books, such as Psalms. In here, God revealed His characteristics to us. He is all the good traits. And He is a just God. He gives what is due.

I've observed that many people, Christians even, know of God's all powerful love but they don't really know God's wrath and justice. They know God is loving, forgiving and merciful and so, they think this is a license to continue doing evil because God will forgive them anyway.

They are deceived! But there is no free ticket. We will reap what we sow because God honors our free will. And loving God comes with the fear of Him, which is the beginning of wisdom. There is no love without sincere reverence and humility.

5) With freedom, we offer our best.

The Israelites gave freewill offering for the creation of the Tabernacle. God did not command them to donate but rather it is out of their own hearts.

I know this is not something new but it is a good reminder for our tithes and offerings. God honors our free will so if we worship Him through our giving, it should also be out of free will. We can only do this if we allowed God to work on our hearts.

6) Sometimes, we have to cut off from other people to follow God.

When the Israelites were waiting for Moses to come down from Mt. Sinai, they made a golden calf to worship. They had gone out of control. God commanded the Levites to kill their own brother, friend and neighbor. Because they followed God, they were set apart.

Why would God command such a bloodshed? Well, we have to remember that God is a God of Justice and He punishes the wicked. The Israelites who made and worshipped the golden calf were not faithful to God despite all that He has done for them (saving them from Egypt, providing their food, His holy presence dwelling among them). God was angry and heartbroken.

Someone needs to pay the price for the sin committed. We are accountable for our free will. I believe that the bloodshed was a punishment and it was also cleansing so that they will be purified and be worthy of God's presence and holiness.

I believe the Levites had a hard time following God's command but they have to. In the same way, we have to set boundaries from other people who negatively influenced us. It will break our hearts but we need to discipline ourselves so that we can follow God.

In this story, I realized that we are super duper loved. Because by the blood of Jesus, we are cleansed and made worthy of God's presence and holiness (which by the way, on our own, we couldn't achieve). The price of our sins have all been paid on the cross! We only need to accept Christ as our personal savior and follow His commands. That makes me teary eyed again.

7) Our skills and special abilities are God's gifts.

Just like #5, this is not something new but also a good reminder that everything we have is not our own. They are God's gifts. Just like Bezalel, Ohaliab and every skilled person who carried out the work of constructing the sanctuary, we are also called to use our skills and abilities to worship God, to carry out His commands, and to preach the Good News.

That's a long list! I thanked God for speaking to me through the Scripture. I encourage you to read the Bible from beginning to end, just like what I'm doing now and God will reveal something to you.

I will keep you updated for my Leviticus reflections. I hope you have a blessed day! :)

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