Hello friends! So, Vina is back again in my Bible Project in which I will share some insights I've gathered by reading the Bible from first to last. Currently, I am in the Book of Joshua. So far, so good. God has blessed me. I've erased some biased preconceived notions and was corrected by God in many ways.
As the title suggests, the book of Numbers is really a book of rebellion. It was about the long, long journey of the Israelites to the promised land. It was full of complaining about the food, water, strong opponents, etc. They even wanted to go back to Egypt and to slavery. It was astonishing because God already freed them and He entered to a covenant with them... Why would they refuse His Goodness?
So, things just got worse here in the Book of Numbers. Aside from the incessant nagging and wanting to go back to Egypt, I would like to mention specific events that echoed this rebellious spirit. With every rebellion, God rebuked them and showed justice.
First, Aaron and Miriam opposed Moses because he had a Cushite wife. They spoke badly about him and boasted that they also had access to God. Because of this, God rebuked them and punished Miriam of leprosy. She was confined outside the camp for 7 days.
There was also the rebellion led by Korah, Dathan and Abiram. They opposed Moses' leadership and accused him of putting himself above the assembly. They had even successfully convince other people.
But, their punishment was as brutal as their rebellion was. All of them, their families and their followers were killed in supernatural ways. Their 250 followers who offered incense was consumed by fire, while Dathan, Abiram and their families were swallowed by the earth.
After their death, the assembly rebelled and accused Moses and Aaron of mass murder. As consequence, there was a plague which stopped only when Aaron made an atonement for them.
As Israel continued in their journey, they stopped in the Desert of Zin. They complained that there was no water. Moses and Aaron prayed and God gave them specific instructions so they can have water. But, Moses did not follow them to the T. And so, God did not allow him to enter the promised land.
Lastly, Israel rebelled against God when they were seduced by the Moabites and worshipped other gods. As punishment, they were put to death and all of them were weeping.
(Previously, the King of Moab, Balak was not able to curse them though Balaam, an oracle. He only blessed them in his 4 attempts. However, the latter advised that they seduce the Israelites to make them sin. Interestingly, Balaam knew who God is but he was not of God.)
Amidst this mourning, an Israelite man showed great disrespect when he just brought a Midianite woman to his family. Because of this, there was a plague which only stopped when Phinehas killed them both.
And so, a heart of faithfulness is really a heart of humility. The Israelites have forgotten where they have come from in Egypt. They have forgotten of God's signs, wonders and might so easily. With impending challenges ahead, they did not trust God.

As Christians, we have to acknowledge God's authority in our lives. We may not always know crystal clear where He wants us to be but instead of complaining, we should trust Him. He is faithful and powerful. He never forgets His promises. He is a good father.
It is not a good thing to cultivate the "victim" or "underdog" mindset because the truth is we are victorious. We are children of God. Jesus came here on earth 2000 years ago so that we can have LIFE to the FULLEST. A victim mindset has no part in it.
Evil wants to deceive us so badly. He is planting lies on our hearts and minds. We sin and rebel against God because we believed the great lie that God is not for our good or lie that God has forgotten us or God does not uphold justice, etc. Whatever it is, we must focus on the truth, which is the Good News. All goodness is from God. Nothing else or no one else will give it to us.

I hope we bear this at all times. I admit it is super hard to stick to the truth. I have been a Christian for almost half my life, (Well, I grew up in a Christian family but I only understood and accepted Christ when I was in High School.) but I still forget sometimes of these basic truths. And it has been very bad for me. I get depressed and sad and angry and just all the bad things. I turn to a dragon lady. I don't like it.
And so, reading the Bible everyday is one of my best practice and I suggest it to anyone. We need to renew our knowledge and our connection to God through His word. We are temporal beings of flesh and desires. It is so easy for us to forget and just be carried away. We need discipline and commitment in order to be faithful to God.
That's my Numbers' reflection. I hope you will be blessed throughout the week! See you again!