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Seeking Peace

We all want peace especially now at our very busy, fast-paced, chaotic world. Yet, we mostly forego it because we were taught that if we are busy, we are productive. We always need to be occupied because our value depends on it. I know it feels super duper guilty when I’m doing absolutely nothing or something deemed not productive. Peace, with all it stands for, seems so foreign and against our principles of industriousness and hard work.

Such strange times we live in because everything is mixed up. Every second must not be wasted. Internet, gadgets and apps permit us to do things within seconds, anywhere and anytime. We have no excuse but of course our laziness. We have no choice but to be accustomed to clutter.

I think in our state right now, our minds are overworked and are constantly concerned with all the things under the sun aka overthinking.

But seeking peace, quiet and calm are actually NOT nothing. They are something very vital. We just don’t want it. We need it as we need order in our lives. It’s too hard to remain focused on what we were called to do if we barely survive to organize unnecessary fillers. Our value does not depend on how many we achieved but whether or not we achieved our purpose.

But how do we achieve peace? Do we just go to a quiet place, reflect and meditate? Yes, that is part of it. But overall, achieving peace is proactive. As the Psalmist says, we have to pursue it. "Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it." (Psalms 34: 14)

Here are some tips I've learned through the hard way in my pursuit of peace.

  1. Establish quiet time. Do not confuse this as rest time like sleeping. This is your time resting with God. I usually do this whenever I am reading the Bible and whenever I lay in bed and ready to sleep. I just talk to Him like a real friend. That makes me super duper secured, light and pure and I will have guaranteed sweet sleep. It depends on you when you will schedule it but you need to be disciplined to sticking to it.

  1. Limit your activities. - Your to-do list must just be the essential So you mean, I need to downgrade? Yes, you need to offload. But I have so many plans! Yes, me too. But we take one thing at a time to avoid burnout. As Jesus said, tomorrow will worry about itself (Matthew 3: 34).

  1. Manage your emotions. - Do not decide when you are at the peak of emotions. Our feelings are there for a reason. But they are just a part of our identity. They do not define us nor control us. We were given FREE WILL which can transcend emotions.

  1. Be Kind. - There will always be misunderstanding and friction. But whenever you haven’t spoken to the person, always assume they are good. Give the benefit of doubt even if they do not deserve it. And even after you have spoken to them, assume that they did what they did because the circumstances forced them to and pray for them. I know this is hard and I find this advice hard too. This is devoid of logic and just foolishness. But this is God’s command for us to love others. God in his perfectness, loved us even though we had done evil. As sinners, shouldn’t we more follow His example? [Disclaimer: This does not mean though we should be doormats but being compassionate and understanding.)

  1. Trust God. - Do not fret. He will bring justice. He desires what is good. What is intended for bad, He can make to the good.

We should not let anyone or anything robbed us of our peace. This is very precious and the evil one knows we will not function according to our purpose without it. Let’s guard our peace all the time. (I know I need to remind myself of this often and maybe this is why I am here again with my puppy love, writing.)

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